What are Hydrogenated Oils? We know that they’re bad but what are they?

Most of us have heard that hydrogenated oils are bad for us but what are they and why is it important to get them out of our diets? I’m reading an interesting book called Conquering Any Disease by Jeff Primack. This is how he describes hydrogenated oils.
“Most packaged food will contain hydrogenated oils to enhance [...]

A Simple Way to Tell if Produce is Certified Organic.

Many people have asked me how you can tell if produce is certified organic. There is a simple way of being able to tell if something is organic by reading the label. It is set up by the International Federation for Produce Standards. Buying organic ensures that you are getting the highest quality of produce [...]

5 Beauty Foods for Amazing Skin.

This information is from the Dr. Oz Show. These beauty foods will help you to get a glowing, youthful complexion. They all do things specifically for your skin. Check them out.

GUAVA - It’s loaded with vitamin C (much more than in an orange). It’s becoming quite common and can be bought in most stores. It’s [...]

A Few Walnuts a Day Can Help You Cope with Stress

I heard this bit of information on Cosmo’s 7 Things to Know Before You Go. I tried to find the recap but I couldn’t. I’m pretty sure they got the tidbit from this article from the Los Angeles Times. The information is interesting because it shows how what you eat can really affect your mental [...]

Popcorn is as healthful as fruits and vegetables!

Today I picked up a copy of a magazine from USA Today called Fresh Women’s Health Guide. In an article listing 20 Superfoods, they listed Popcorn as one of the Superfoods! According to the article, “New Research suggests that this movie snack, sans butter, is as healthful as fruits and vegetables. Scientists recently measured the [...]

A Definition of Spirituality and Ideas for Bringing More of it Into Your Life.

Many people are confused about exactly what spirituality is and how to bring it into their lives. Here’s something from the Mayo Clinic Guide to Complementary and Alternative Therapies book that will help you get started.
Spirituality has many definitions, but at its core it helps to give our lives context. Spirituality isn’t necessarily connected to [...]

Here’s a Simple, Basic Stress Management Plan.

I found an interesting book in the supermarket called Guide to Alternative Medicine 2011 from the Mayo Clinic. The reason it interests me is because many people don’t understand or respect Alternative medicine but most people have heard of the Mayo Clinic and they respect the work that they do there. The basic stress management [...]

People who eat processed food are depressed!

I read an interesting statistic in the July/August issue of  Maximum Fitness magazine. 58 is the percentage of higher risk of depression among those who consume a diet that is heavy in processed foods. (Source: British Journal of Psychiatry). I’ve known for some time that what you eat can really change your mood. When I [...]

Here’s a way to reduce tartar buildup by up to 60 percent.

According to the September 2010 issue of First magazine, the key to this is to Dry-brush your teeth. Brush your teeth without toothpaste or water for 1 minute daily to reduce tartar buildup by 60 percent and cut your risk of gum disease. (Follow up with a fluoride toothpaste for fresh breath and cavity protection.)

Why Floss?

This bit of information is from the September 2010 issue of First magazine.
Floss for 30 seconds Daily. - That’s all it takes to add six-and-a-half years to your life, say UCLA researchers. Flossing helps prevent periodontal infections, which can spread through the bloodstream and trigger chronic tissue-damaging inflammation.