Will fasting Before Exercise Tap Into Your Fat Stores?

This one is from the August 2011 issue of Shape magazine. Don’t exercise on an empty stomach in hopes of tapping into your fat stores. In a recent study, researchers at the University of Padua in Italy found that subjects who worked out after eating a healthy breakfast boosted their metabolism more than a group [...]

Spotlight on Strawberries (a Superfood).

This is from the May 2011 issue of Redbook magazine. I love strawberries which is why I’m sharing this article with you.
Strawberries are among the most antioxidant-rich fruits which means they’ve got major cancer-fighting potential. One serving of strawberries (8 strawberries) contains only 50 calories but has 160 percent of your daily vitamin C and [...]

Kim Kardashian’s Beauty Secret.

This one is from the April 4th, 2011 issue of Star magazine.
“Kim likes to make her own face masks”, one of her style and beauty confidantes tells Star. “She whips up avocado and honey, buttermilk, yogurt and oats.” Her sisters say that she has the softest skin of them all, thanks to her secret recipe. [...]

Potatoes for Weight Loss.

This one is from the March 2011 issue of Women’s Health magazine.
Dieters who ate five to seven servings of spuds a week shed nearly five pounds over three months. Baked, roasted, or mashed, a medium-size potato with a little olive oil and herbs makes a satisfying snack or side dish for around 150 calories. (source: [...]

Make Your Work Life Easier. 6 Expressions You Should Ban at the Office.

This one is from the March 2011 issue of Shape magazine. Life and Career Coach Anna Goldstein share six expressions that should be banned at the office.
“I hate…” It’s way to harsh. Instead, describe specifics you don’t like about a plan.
“It’s not my fault.” Even if it’s true, it sounds defensive and won’t get people [...]

Steps to take if you want to Get Married This Year!

This one is from the February 28, 2011 issue of OK Magazine. (Yes, I know it’s only the 18th but this is how these magazines are dated.)
Patti Stanger is known for her tough love approach on her show The Millionaire Matchmaker. She has a book that you can find in the Reading Annex section of [...]

Listen up Men. Women Prefer Calm Men.

I’m reading the January/February 2011 issue of Men’s Health Magazine. Here’s an interesting tidbit I just came across.
Women prefer calm men, and can sense a man’s calm just by looking at his face, a study from Scotland found. Researchers measured levels of testosterone and cortisol, a stress hormone, in college-age men ad took their pictures. [...]

1 Way to Improve Your Life in 2011.

This bit of information is from US News and World Report. It’s a special issue called 50 Ways to Improve Your Life in 2011. The first improvement that they list is to try a new twist on the Atkins Diet. The reason I find this interesting is because it’s pretty close to the diet I [...]

Kelly Osbourne lost 50lbs! Here’s what she eats almost every day.

Have you seen Kelly Osbourne (Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter) lately? She looks absolutely incredible. If you want to see what she looks like now, pick up the December 2010 issue of “Shape” magazine. The whole article about her is interesting but I couldn’t resist letting you guys know what she says she eats almost every day.
Breakfast: [...]

Do your vitamins contain cheap fillers? Here’s a quick way to find out.

Here’s a 5 Minute Fix from the November 2010 issue of Shape magazine.
Drop you vitamin in a cup of water. Some brands use cheap fillers that aren’t broken down in the body, which means you’re missing out on important nutrients. If yours doesn’t dissolve completely in an hour, pick up a new kind.