Natural Happy Pills

This is from Women’s Health Magazine (Novemember 2011).
Folate isn’t just for expectant moms. New Research shows that a broken-down form of the nutrient can help antidepressants do their job better. Patients who took prescription L-methylfolate along with a daily antidepressant had 50 percent fewer symptoms than those who took the antidepressant alone. “The brain needs [...]

Fish Oil Eases Eczema.

Eczema hasn’t been as much of a problem for me in recent years but I’ve had terrible bouts of it and I know terrible it can be. Here’s a bit of information about how to keep eczema under control from the 1/2/12 issue of First magazine.
If you have an eczema flare-up, take a fish-oil supplement [...]

Eat Chocolate for Better Eyesight!

This is from the January 2012 issue of Oprah magazine.
Here’s an eye-opener: For years studies have shown that flavonols, the antioxidant-rich compounds found in cocoa, improve circulation. Now new research indicates that because those compounds increase blood flow to the brain, they may also help you see more clearly. Two and a half hours after [...]

Missing a night of sleep can slow your metabolism by up to 20% the next day.

Here are 3 interesting tips from the September 2011 issue of Self magazine.
Eating 2 apples a day lowered people’s LDL (bad) cholesterol by 23% and raised HDL (Good) by 3% a year. (research from Florida State University in Tallahassee).
Missing a night of sleep can slow your metabolism by up to 20% the next day. Running [...]

Fight Cellulite with Blueberries!

Fight Cellulite with Blueberries? Yes You Can.
Beyond a superfood, these little berries help you lose weight. By Sara Novak April 14, 2011 (This is from
Blueberries have a great reputation and with good reason. Their abundance of polyphenols fight the free radicals that can cause disease and agingdown the line. But new studies make thissuperfood even [...]

Sweet Potatoes for a 6 Pack?

This is from the April 25, 2011 issue of US magazine.
According the article in Us magazine, Glee’s Matthew Morrison attributes his 6 pack seen on his Details magazine cover to eating nothing but sweet potatoes for 3 days! “The potato acts as a sponge,” he claims of the nutrient rich veggie. “Your body literally shrinks [...]

Spotlight on Strawberries (a Superfood).

This is from the May 2011 issue of Redbook magazine. I love strawberries which is why I’m sharing this article with you.
Strawberries are among the most antioxidant-rich fruits which means they’ve got major cancer-fighting potential. One serving of strawberries (8 strawberries) contains only 50 calories but has 160 percent of your daily vitamin C and [...]

What Exactly is 1 Serving of Fruit or Vegetables?

This one is from An A-Z Guide to Healing Foods by Elise Marie Collins.
In general, fruit and vegetable portions are rather small, making it easy to get your fill. According to the American Cancer Society, one serving of fruit or vegetables is equal to the following:

1/2 cup fruit
1 medium piece of fruit
1/2 cup dried fruit
3/4 [...]

Do your vitamins contain cheap fillers? Here’s a quick way to find out.

Here’s a 5 Minute Fix from the November 2010 issue of Shape magazine.
Drop you vitamin in a cup of water. Some brands use cheap fillers that aren’t broken down in the body, which means you’re missing out on important nutrients. If yours doesn’t dissolve completely in an hour, pick up a new kind.

Forget sunbeds and spray tans, the secret to a healthy looking glow is to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

I heard something on Cosmo radio (Sirius) today when I was listening to “Wake Up with Taylor” this morning that inspired this post. They said that you can get a natural tan by eating orange and green fruits and vegetables such as spinach, cantaloup, carrots, and apricots. The best way to eat them is to [...]