Quote for clearing out Life Clutter.

This quote is good to remember when you’re clearing stuff out of your life. Clutter can consist of things such as clothes that are good but not perfect or people that are good but not great or work that’s good but not great.
“I’ve got to say no to the good so I can say yes [...]

Quote to keep in mind when you’re in a tough life situation.

“Everything will be ok in the end. If it’s not ok, it’s not the end.”  Unknown

Quote to keep in mind while trying to reach a goal.

“Do Something. If it works, do more of it. If it doesn’t, do something else.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Bright Side of Hard Times.

This one is from the March 2012 issue of Health Magazine.
Getting through hard times can really make you stronger, says a new review of research in Current Directions in Psychological Science. I one study, people who’d experienced a few big challenges-like a divorce or death-were more resilient in later stressful situations than those who hadn’t. [...]

Is Your Meal a Downer?

This is from the Winter 2012 issue of Health Monitor magazine.
Before you bite into that doughnut or cheeseburger, consider this: It may cause your mood to crash, say Spanish researchers who studied more than 12,000 people. Their finding: Those who chowed down on lots of foods filled with trans fats (baked goods, drive-through fare, processed [...]

Eleanor Roosevelt Quotation.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
This quotation is empowering. It’s about self-esteem. No one gets to tell you who and and what you are. You get to decide that for yourself. You also get to decide who you are in relation to the rest of the world.

Another Healthy Reason to Eat Dark Chocolate.

I’m sorry for taking so long to add new blog entries. In all honesty, I’ve been going through a bit of a painful time but now I’m ready to take my own coaching advice. It’s tempting to curl up and do nothing but wallow in self-pity when you’re going through a difficult time in your [...]

Do you feel like you have nothing to wear? Here’s How to fix this problem.

I just read a book about decluttering called, I Have Nothing To Wear!: A Painless 12-Step Program to Declutter Your Life So You Never Have to Say This Again!* by Jill Martin and Dana Ravich (Aug 16, 2011). I’ve certainly read a lot of books about decluttering. I wouldn’t pick up a book like this until I [...]

Which Path of Service is Yours?

This is from the book 1: How Many People Does it Take to Make a Difference? By Dan Zadra and Kobi Yamada.
There is a cause or an issue out there with your name on it, something you care about, someplace where you can serve or make a difference in a way that is unique to [...]

“With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.” The Question Meditation.

This is from The Forbidden Book of Getting What You Want by J K Ellis. The basic idea is to take responsibility for your own thoughts and to choose how you feel about something. That being said, it means that all of your actions and thoughts are your responsibility. Remember what Spiderman said. ”
“With great [...]