Benefits of Exercise that will Actually Motivate You to Keep on Doing It!

I go to the gym 5 to 6 times a week. We all know that exercise is great for staying in shape but that’s not what motivates me to keep on doing it. Exercise improves your mood and helps you sleep soundly. Below are some of the Benefits of Exercise as listed on the web [...]

People who eat processed food are depressed!

I read an interesting statistic in the July/August issue of  Maximum Fitness magazine. 58 is the percentage of higher risk of depression among those who consume a diet that is heavy in processed foods. (Source: British Journal of Psychiatry). I’ve known for some time that what you eat can really change your mood. When I [...]

A fun way to lower your risk of Prostate Cancer.

According to the April 2010 issue of Men’s Fitness magazine (they got their info. from the Journal of the American Medical Association):
21 + is the number of times per month you need to ejaculate in order to lower your risk of Prostate Cancer.