Celebrity Trainers Share Tips for a Better Beach Body.

According to the May 31, 2010 issue of OK magazine:
Score a Six-Pack - Get in three sets of 25 crunches every day, says trainer Kathy Kaehler, who works with Julia Roberts. “Don’t skip a day. Over the summer, you will see how consistency equals results.”
De-Stress and Detox - “Spending time in a sauna aids relaxation [...]

Low-Fat, Hight-Protein Diets Best For Weight Maintenance

According to the June 2010 issue of Firtness Rx magazine:
High-protein diets are popular for weight loss and weight maintenance. These diets are often high in fats, so many nutritionists fear adverse health effects and poor weight maintenance.
A study from Masstricht University in the Netherlands showed that diets low in fat and hgih in either casein [...]

What Can 5 Random Acts of Kindness Do For Your Life?

I just caught a segment on the Wendy Williams Show. She was interviewing Dr. Ian K. Smith. He’s the guy that’s on the show “Celebrity Fit Club” (which happens to be one of the shows I like the watch when I’m doing cardio at the gym.). Dr. Smith has just come out with a book [...]

Quote from my close childhood Friend

“I’m here to Thrive, not to Survive.” C.F.

Why do we want to kill the messenger?

I’ve been reading a fabulous book called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. One thing that I read that’s very interesting is the idea of Spontaneous Trait Transference. Here’s what she says.:
In “spontaneous trait transference,” people spontaneously and unintentionally associate what you say about the qualities of other people with the qualities of you yourself. [...]

Do you want to know and easy way to feel 20% happier?

Write a thank-you letter.
According to the May 2010 issue of Prevcention magazine, students who wrote letters expressing gratitud to someone special were happier and more satisfied with their lives (researchers at Kent State University found). Other research has shown that expressive writing may imporove immune, lung, and liver function; reduce blood pressure; and provide a [...]

Do You Want to Reduce Stress by 200%?

According to the May 2010 issue of Prevention magazine, the way to reduce stress by 200% is by holding hands. Participants were asked to talk about a stressful event. Some participants held their significant other’s hand before speaking. Others did not. The blood pressure readings of those who did not hold hands were double of [...]

Take Time to Smell the Roses

One of my favorite magazines is called First. It doesn’t have the glitz and glamour of high end magazine like Health or Self magazine but the information in it is always useful. There are always great tips in it that I love to pass on to clients. Over the next week, I’m going give you [...]

A Quote to help you when you’re dealing with an Emotional situation.

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams, Who looks inside, awakens.”
-Carl Jung

Seven Ways To Reclaim Your Power.

Here are 7 ways to reclaim your power according to Susan Jeffers in her classic book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. :
1. Avoid casting blame on an external force for your bad feelings about life. Nothing outside yourself can control your thinking or your actions.
2. Avoid blaming yourself for not being in control. [...]