Here’s a Simple, Basic Stress Management Plan.

I found an interesting book in the supermarket called Guide to Alternative Medicine 2011 from the Mayo Clinic. The reason it interests me is because many people don’t understand or respect Alternative medicine but most people have heard of the Mayo Clinic and they respect the work that they do there. The basic stress management [...]

Hey guys, want to know how can an “attitude of gratitude” help your relationship?

According to the September 201o issue of Men’s Health magazine.
An Attitude of Gratitude
The next time your girlfriend springs for dinner, take note of your reactions. Partners who feel grateful for each other’s kind actions have stronger bonds than those who don’t, according to a study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “Gratitude [...]

Why Floss?

This bit of information is from the September 2010 issue of First magazine.
Floss for 30 seconds Daily. - That’s all it takes to add six-and-a-half years to your life, say UCLA researchers. Flossing helps prevent periodontal infections, which can spread through the bloodstream and trigger chronic tissue-damaging inflammation.

The Best Day of Your Life is the day your life really begins.

I’m sorry it’s been so long since my last blog post. I hope all of you have been having a fantastic summer. I wanted to share a quote from a paper given to me on my last trip to LA.
“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is [...]

To Turn Your Emotions into Energy: Spin Your Situation

This is from the article “Boost Your Energy” from the June 2010 issue of Health magazine. I want to put this out there because it’s a great example of two coaching tips that I’ve discussed before. The first is the idea of gratitude. As corny as it sounds, thinking about what you’re grateful for (writing [...]

What to Say and What Not to Say to a Grieving Person.

Today I went to my second grief support group meeting. My father passed away in January. This isn’t the first time I’ve been through this. My mother passed away in 2004. It’s hard to know what to say to a grieving person and, believe me, a lot of people said things to me that were [...]

Tagline from a t-shirt which has become my Personal Mantra.

I bought a t-shirt the other day that has a tagline that seems to be helping me immensely. I’ve become through a very stressful time and I’m completely overwhelmed by everything that I have to do. The following tagline is something I’ve been repeating to myself each time I begin to get worried about all [...]

Quote from the Dalai Lama.

“If anything I’ve said seems useful to you, I’m glad. If not, don’t worry. Just forget about it. ” - Dalai Lama

The Kabballistic Code

1. Be Thankful and Grateful.
2. The Power of Service.
3. Love that Which is Good, Ignore that Which is Bad.
4. Be Goodness, Justice and Compassion. Never Criticize.
5. Be Patient, Clam and Considerate. Never Give in to Anger or Pride.
6. Be Pure, Compassionate and Gentle. Never Use Irony.
7. Be Confident, Satisfied and Open to Others. Do Not [...]

Forget sunbeds and spray tans, the secret to a healthy looking glow is to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

I heard something on Cosmo radio (Sirius) today when I was listening to “Wake Up with Taylor” this morning that inspired this post. They said that you can get a natural tan by eating orange and green fruits and vegetables such as spinach, cantaloup, carrots, and apricots. The best way to eat them is to [...]