Why Drink A Green Smoothie?

This one comes from http://www.fastestwaytoloseweightfat.com/.
Start drink the smoothies 2-3 times a day, and you will experience so much more energy and wellbeing that it will soon become your second nature. And you will start losing weight really quickly too, because you will be eating less of the fattening foods that you normally crave.

Green smoothies are easy to digest. When [...]

Green Smoothies - What they are and how to make them.

What’s a Green Smoothie?

Classic Green Smoothie

A Green Smoothie is simply a blended shake  made of whole fruits and leafy greens. It’s a quick and delicious way to get all of your daily required fruits veggies down the hatch in sixty seconds. Many people drink them as a breakfast replacement because they’re packed full of vitamins [...]

Cheaper by the Dozen

It’s Day 12. I just can’t believe it. I know I say this a lot. It’s just that the time is going so quickly. I feel no detox symptoms. I’m not hungry. I’m suffering. I lost another pound! I have no cravings. Raw food living is the way to go.