Something to Think About.

The reason I haven’t been updating my blog lately is because I’ve been in Florida for the last few weeks. My father passed away at the end of January. This has been a difficult time for me. I’ll write about it when I feel up to it. While I was away, I went into one [...]

Pain to Power Vocabulary

This list of Pain to Power Vocabulary is extremely empowering. It comes from Susan Jeffer’s book, Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway.
Pain                                                              Power
I can’t————————————I [...]

Seven Ways To Reclaim Your Power.

Here are 7 ways to reclaim your power according to Susan Jeffers in her classic book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. :
1. Avoid casting blame on an external force for your bad feelings about life. Nothing outside yourself can control your thinking or your actions.
2. Avoid blaming yourself for not being in control. [...]

Why Be Miserable When You Can Be Happy?

People seem to be afraid to make life changes because of fear. Basically, we imagine some sort of scenario and then we run with it. In order to avoid the potential terrible thing that might possibly happen, we simply do nothing.  Instead of taking a risk, we do nothing and stay either miserable, bored, or [...]

Respect Your Body’s Wisdom.

We all have a tendency to ignore the messages that our body’s give us. Try taking a day to just do whatever your body is telling you to do. Do you feel tired? Sleep as much as you want? Are you stiff? Take a walk. Make love. It’s easy to get distracted. Just remember that [...]

How much of your own Happiness level can you Control?

Happiness has become one of my favorite topics. I’ve become obsessed with the topic ever since I found out how much of our own happiness is within our control. Here are the stats.
10% life circumstance
40% Controllable
50% Genetics
This is such great news. This means that only 10% of your happiness is affected by things that are [...]