21 Easy Ways to Lose Weight.

This is from the October 11, 2010 issue of Life and Style magazine.

1. Eat Breakfast - Having a meal early in the day prevents “starvation eating” later on and it revs up metabolism.

2. Read Food Labels - Look for total calories, grams of saturated fat, sodium, fiber.

3. Eat Oatmeal. - It’s a natural fat burner and one of the healthiest carbs you can choose. Plus it’s high in fiber.

4. Walk More. - A brisk half-hour walk burns 150 to 200 calories. Wear a pedometer to track those optimal 10K steps a day.

5. Add More Veggies. - You can eat all you want and still lose weight.

6. Stand on Your Toes. -  Do this while waiting in line. It will tone your calves and buttocks, improve balance and work your stomach muscles. Aim for for 15 to 20 reps, 3 times a day.

7. Downsize Dishes - Read Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink to get the full informations. The bottom line is the bigger the plate, the more food we’ll add to it.

8. Eat Almonds Before Meals. - Front-loading healthy, unsaturated fat befre dining helps slw digestion. Because it takes your brain 20 minutes to realize you’re full, you’ll reach satiety on less food and be able to hear your body’s hunger cues.

9. Breathe Deeply. - A california study found that women burned 140 percent more calories with 15 minutes of breathing exercises  than by riding a stationary bike.

10. Eat Before Bedtime. - Eat just a little something before bedtime that has no carbs and no sugar in it before you go to sleep because it keeps your metabolism going.

11. Sleep More. - Not getting enough sleep increases your appetite.

12. Laugh it Off. - Laughing 100 to 200 times per day is the cardiovascular equivalent of rowing for 10 minutes.

13. Eat Eggs. - In a recent study, women who ate eggs for breakfast consumed less food over the next 24 hours.

14. Tap Your Foot. - People who fidget can burn up to 350 more calories a day than their calm counterparts.

15. Work the Bag. - Carry a heavy handbag or groceries can burn extra calories. Be sure to swap sides to work more msucles.

16. Take Vitamin D. - It’s known as the sunshine vitamin. Those who lack D tend to gain weight. Your best bet is taking a supplement.

17. Drink Neurotrim. - The key ingredient is Lura Lean, a fiber from JApanese Konjac root that temporarily sweels to 200 times its original size in the stomach. It makes you feel full and “absorbs fat and oils”. Reports claim weight loss of as much as 10 pounds in eight weeks.  (This one doesn’t sound great to me but it’s in the article so I’m passing it on to you.)

18. Slow Down. - Eating at a more leisurely pace can reduce calorie consumption by 10 percent.

19. Go on a Date. - Women eat less when they’re on a romantic dinner date. (Again, not something I’m buying into. I’m just passing the info on to you. I personally have eaten insane amounts of food on dates and have been complimented on my great appetite. I’m not sure if I like that either but I’m not for curbing your appetite to make a certain impression on others.)

20. Cook at Home. - Bottom line is that you know what you’re putting in your food when you make it yourself. You can control portion size and you know how much oil you’re using.

21. Caffeinate. - Coffee not only perks you up - it can trim you down too. Caffeine increases thermogenesis, which helps the body burn more calories. (I believe it works but I don’t drink any coffee at all. Try going for Green Tea.)

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