Do you want to know an easy way to develop a new habit?

According to the April 2010 issue of Self Magazine:

“Be a copycat: Watching or even thinking of someone with good habits may improve your own, a study from the University of Georgia in Athens notes. Observing a disciplined person brings self-control to the front of your mind. Keep a pic of a role model near your fridge or gym bag. ”

An NLP technique, (see “What is Neurolinguistic Programing” under the My Coaching Approach section on this site), that takes this one step further is called Modeling. The idea is that if you want to achieve certain results, model the exact  behavior of someone who has achieved the outcome that you desire and you will achieve your goal. For example, if your friend cooks a delishes salmon dinner you’ll be able to cook salmon just as well if you follow the exact recipe that your friend used.

If you’re interested in developing new habits and achieving your goals, a good coach can get you to where you want to be. Feel free to contact me so we can discuss what you’d like to make happen by the summer.

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